No great painter can create a masterpiece on a bad canvas! Make sure that your walls are smooths and without and cracks or peeling. Lightly sand or scrape away flaking paint and be sure to thoroughly rinse your walls afterwards.
It can be tempting to buy cheap supplies for your paint project. However, investing in the tools you need will result in a higher quality paint job that gives you the most bang for your buck!
Most people throw their old bedsheets down on the floor when beginning a painting project without realizing they are making a major mistake! Bedsheets are thin and paint will bleed right through, possibly damaging your floors. Opt for plastic or canvas drop cloths when painting.
Top to bottom paint jobs will leave you without any drips or streaky paint. Many make the mistake of painting from the bottom up which can result in unruly paint drips. Painting top to bottom is how the pros do it!
Tanguay Homes, Inc.
419 Route 105 Suite A,
Newport, Vermont 05855
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 517
Newport, VT 05855
Tanguay Homes of Newport, Vermont specializes in working with out-of-the-area clients. You may sign up to receive daily progress photos, e-mails, and calls. Weekend and late evening appointments are available for your convenience.
Tony Tanguay