Be sure that your garbage cans have tight-fitting lids to keep out any pests. It is also important to keep your yard as clear as possible of stagnant water and leaf debris as this can attract pests and become breeding grounds for them.
Routinely check for gaps or warps in your doors and windows as these can be great entrance routes for pests. Promptly repair rips in window and door screens.
Pests will hone in on any food that is sitting out in the open. Make sure food is kept in airtight containers or closed up properly.
By frequently cleaning your home, this discourages pests from making themselves feel at home. Cleaning also allows you to spot any food debris or open entrances that would draw in pests.
While having a garden in front of your home adds some beauty to your property, be mindful of how close plants are to your house. Insects can use plants and mulch as breeding grounds and bridges to get into your home.
Tanguay Homes, Inc.
419 Route 105 Suite A,
Newport, Vermont 05855
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 517
Newport, VT 05855
Tanguay Homes of Newport, Vermont specializes in working with out-of-the-area clients. You may sign up to receive daily progress photos, e-mails, and calls. Weekend and late evening appointments are available for your convenience.
Tony Tanguay